1. Jeff and his friends are walking down the street one night. They come across a store with all sorts of useful and expensive equipment. The group walks up to the window and looks in. �Hey Jeff�, says Gary, �look the keypad is on the outside, you can crack it, come on.�, �No thanks Gary, I want to go to heaven, not burn in hell.�
Hell what a concept, what is hell, how do we know it�s there, and why do we need it? Hell is supposedly a place of eternal damnation, where the souls of the wronged, and damned go. Hell is where your souls suffer for all eternity if you reject God or, you commit sin without repenting. How do we know hell exists, we don�t. We cannot prove that hell exists, it is a matter of faith. Why do we need the concept of hell, scenarios as above, and similar are reasons we need hell. We need hell to keep us from committing sin, and to make us feel sorry for it when we do. If people believed that there was heaven, but no hell, people would sin without thinking about there actions. Because no matter what they did on earth they would be in paradise when the died. That is not as true as nowadays because of the law. But it still plays a large role. Of course what makes you think we need the concept of hell, because what is hell but the absence of hope, and what is hope but a state of mind.
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